- Alaska
- California
- District of Columbia
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Missouri
- North Carolina
- New York
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Washington
- Wyoming
- Mississippi
- Pennsylvania
- Arizona
- Connecticut
- Maine
- Idaho
- South Dakota
- Vermont
- Louisiana
- Oklahoma
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- Iowa
- Maryland
- Virginia
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Colorado
- Alabama
- Kentucky
- South Carolina
- Puerto Rico
- Arkansas
- Kansas
- Utah
- New Mexico
- Nebraska
- West Virginia
- Hawaii
- New Hampshire
- North Dakota
- Australia
- Aruba
- Bermuda
- Canada
- Spain
- Gibraltar
- Ireland
- Isle of Man
- India
- Iceland
- Jersey
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Norway
- New Zealand
- Panama
- Pakistan
- Poland
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- United Kingdom
- Jamaica
- Barbados
- Liechtenstein
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- South Africa
- Sweden
- Tanzania
- Nova Scotia
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
- France
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Finland
- Dominican Republic
- Belgium
- Denmark
- Germany
- Estonia
- Turkey
- Colombia
- Bahamas
- Hong Kong
- Cyprus
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Unknown
- Active
- Inactive
- Dissolved
- Suspended
- Voluntarily Dissolved
- Administratively Dissolved
- Revoked
- Forfeited
- Surrendered
- Good Standing
- Merged Out
- Multiple
- Expired
- Cancelled
- Withdrawn
- Converted
- On Notice
- Abandoned
- Dissolved (Bankruptcy)
- Not in Good Standing
- Delinquent
- Administratively Suspended
- Converted Out
- Administratively Withdrawn
- Consolidated
- Filing Rescinded
- Problem with Filing
- Used
- No Standing, Franchise...
- Struck Off
- In Receivership
- In Liquidation
- Dormant
- Under Process of Striking Off
- Rescinded
- Judicially Dissolved
- Pending
- Active but Noncompliant
- Withdrawn/Merged
- Void
- Election to LLC/LP
- Flawed/Deficient
- Active and In Good Standing
- Terminated
- Removed by Statute
- Non-Compliant
- Non-Qualified
- Ousted
- Pending Cancellation
- Amalgamated
- In Dissolution
- Administratively Struck Off
- Voluntarily Struck Off
- Liquidated
- Extinguished
- Striking Off By Registrar...
- Striking Off By Request Pending
- Ceased
- Held
- In Administration
- Removed
- Name Change
- Renunciated
- Reserved
- Revocation Pending
- Incorporated
- Revived
- Defunct
- In Business
- Voluntary Liquidation
- Duplicate Name
- Deregistration in Process
- Deregistered
- Immatriculée
- Radiée D'office
- Radiée D'office Suite à Une...
- Restored to Good Standing
- Administratively Terminated
- Involuntarily Dissolved
- Involuntarily Cancelled
- Parent/Owner Dissolved
- Withdrawn by Merger
- Converted / Closed
- Radiée Sur Demande
- Revoked For Non-Payment
- Approved
- Referred
- Void (Failure to File)
- Pre-registered
- Administratively Cancelled
- Current
- Past Due Report
- Not Current
- Noncompliant
- In Default
- Automatically Dissolved
- Involuntarily Revoked
- Entered into the register
- Registered
- Domestic for Profit
- Corporation
- Domestic Corporation
- Family Partnership
- Corporation
- Private Limited Company
- ATO Regulated Self-Managed
- Florida Limited Liability
- NZ Limited Company
- Corporation
- Other Partnership
- Other Trust
- Corporation
- Limited Liability Company
- Corporation
- Business Corporation
- Limited Liability Company
- Domestic Corporation
- Domestic LLC
- Business Corporation
- LLC / Limited Partnership
- Domestic LLC
- Domestic Non Profit
- Limited Liability Company
- General Business
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Liability Company
- Not-For-Profit Corporation
- Corporation
- Limited Liability Company
- Other Incorporated Entity
- Limited Liability Company
- Besloten Vennootschap
- Limited Liability Company
- Foreign for Profit
- Corporation
- Corporation
- Registered Trade Name
- Assumed Business Name
- Fixed Unit Trust
- Domestic Profit Corporation
- Domestic Business Corporation
- Limited Liability Company
- Corporation
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Liability Company
- Domestic LLC
- Corporation, Non-Profit
- Australian Private Company
- Foreign Corporation
- Non-Profit Corporation
- Non-Profit Corporation
- Corporation
- Foreign Business Corporation
- Non-Profit (Non Stock)
- Non-Profit Corporation
- Domestic Non-Profit Corporation
- Australian Public Company
- Foreign Limited Liability
- Foreign LLC
- Limited Liability Company
- Domestic Limited Partnership
- Regulated Self-Managed...
- Corporation
- Nonprofit Corporation
- Domestic Nonprofit
- Foreign Business Corporation
- Foreign LLC
- Fixed Trust
- Domestic Profit Corporation
- Foreign Profit Corporation
- Limited By Shares
- Superannuation Fund
- Registered Private Company
- Small APRA Regulated Fund
- Domestic Non-Profit Corporation
- Limited Liability Company
- Discretionary Investment Trust
- Foreign Limited Partnership
- Unlisted Public Unit Trust
- Foreign Corporation
- Non Public Offer/SAF
- APRA Regulated Non-Public
- Domestic Corporation
- Other Unincorporated Entity
- Nonprofit Corporation
- Non-Regulated Superannuation...
- General Limited Partnership
- General Statutory Trust
- Non-Profit Corporation
- Voluntary Association/Trust
- Non-Profit Corporation
- Regular Corporation
- Muut oikeushenkilöt
- Public limited company with...
- Société d'investissement à...
Rhode Island
New York